Leonard Nimoy Inspires

At the Phoenix Comicon 2011 I was fortunate enough to get to sit in with Leonard Nimoy. I was unsure what he was going to talk about but it really didn’t matter. Just a little while earlier I had the opportunity to get a photograph with him, and he was an absolute gentleman.

The crowd went wild when he took the stage. I thought he might sit down behind the table but, no, he stood the entire time, worked his slideshow from his laptop, and provided an hour of entertainment and insight I will not forget. He reminded me that my choice towards humility and generosity is sound and inspires me to recognize the good in people and overlook their flaws.

My only regret is that I did not have a tripod for the video clips.

About Author Richard P. Nixon

Fled Libya in wake of '67 Six Day War. "Uncle Mo" eventually seized power - two years later on my birthday. Grew up mostly American, with some "old world" quirks. Have been writing since around 1994, but didn't really start writing until 2008. Between 1976 and 1983 spent my time between boarding school (Ireland, Northern Ireland and England) and Alaska (until 1978) and then Saudi Arabia. Came back to the States in '83 and have been in Arizona since '95. Have a nice day. ;)
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