Story from 6th Grade

The Mystery of the Witch’s Broomstick (October 1975)

One dark and scary night, in the tomb of the Ghastly Goblin, a party was going on. Everybody was invited, except the old witch who lived in Franklin’s castle, which had, on one side, a graveyard, and on the other side, a lake. The name of the lake was unknown, but most of the ghosts called it “The Lake of the Giant Spiders”. Some say that the spiders are to protect the witch’s secret. The witch’s name was Moda Sara.

After the party, the hosts and goblins were in the house. They heard all sorts of screams and groans. Some were frightened because they thought the witch would fix a potion and destroy them, but they all decided to investigate anyway.

They came to a door, and suddenly they heard a long shrill scream from behind them. A ghost had been destroyed, and they were scared even worse when they saw that a bat had turned into a vampire. All of a sudden, a hoard of monsters appeared. They had a dinner of ghosts that night.

The nest night was a storm night, and the witch was fixing soup for her broom. When the soup was ready, the witch commanded the broom to eat. The broom coughed and choked, but presently he began to eat. The witch was pleased, for the following night she was going to go looking around for the Goblin who Got Away. She looked and looked but could not find him, so she returned to the castle. She was very angry.

The next stormy, cloudy night was Hallowe’en. A bunch of kids named Larry, Terry, Harry, Kerry and Gary, went Trick-or-Treating. They got lost, and were looking for a place to sleep. They came to the castle, and all of them went inside. The door closed. The lights went out. Strange sounds were coming from the paintings! The kids were almost petrified with fear. They ran for the door, but it was locked. They all fainted.

When they woke up, they were all standing in the middle of the floor. Now they were not so scared, because they did not remember a thing. In fact, they did not even remember how they had got there! They went all through the castle, and Kerry whimpered “I’m scared”.

They went into a room where a disgusting, ugly mess of a witch was awaiting. “Good evening, my little fried turkeys” said Moda Sara. “Would you like to join me for dinner?”

“Nnn-nnn-nooo thanks!” They ran and ran until they found themselves crashing through a window. They were free!!

Moda Sara was so mad, her face turned from gruesome green to red-apple red! She thought of going after them, but wait! Her broom was gone! Somebody had stolen her broom!! Now her face was so red, she fell over. When she got up, her face had turned to gruesome green again. Then she started to wonder who would have, who could have, and who should have, stolen her broom – her OWN, PERSONAL, broom!!

She said to herself “I bet it was the Goblin! I’ll get that skunk even if I have to get near him – whoooooaaa – hoooo – whoooooaa – hoooachhahaha!! It’s Hallowe’en, and here U am, standing in the middle of the floor, not knowing what to do”. There was a tapping at the door. “I wonder who THAT could be”. “WHO is it?” she said, in a chilling voice.

“It’s the Queen witch” was the answer.

“What do you want?” said Moda Sara.

“I came to bring back your broom – I lost mine, so I borrowed yours – I hope you are not mad with ME”.

“Oh NO, I’m not mad at all” said Moda Sara in a horrid voice. “Please come in”, she said, holding in one hand a potion, and in the other an axe. “How was the party?” She asked kindly.

When the Queen witch walked in, Moda Sara chopped off her head, and then threw the potion all over her, and accidentally splashed some of the potion on her own broom. The broom disintegrated immediately, until there was nothing left. As for the Queen witch, there was nothing left of HER except a small piece of black cloth.

Moda Sara was so sad because she killed her own broom. She felt so bad that she started to shake, and carelessly dropped some of the potion on herself.

The mystery was solved, but the Goblin and the kids, Larry, Kerry, Harry, and Terry and little Gary, would never go back to the castle ever again, nor would they know what happened to the witch.

About Author Richard P. Nixon

Fled Libya in wake of '67 Six Day War. "Uncle Mo" eventually seized power - two years later on my birthday. Grew up mostly American, with some "old world" quirks. Have been writing since around 1994, but didn't really start writing until 2008. Between 1976 and 1983 spent my time between boarding school (Ireland, Northern Ireland and England) and Alaska (until 1978) and then Saudi Arabia. Came back to the States in '83 and have been in Arizona since '95. Have a nice day. ;)
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