It’s funny – I’ve been working on this book for a long time, or since early 2009 depending on how you look at it, and early on I was so anxious to send it out to agents and publishers. And I did send it off to two agents – one never responded (probably because I messed up the submission – that’s a big no no), and the other sent me a personal response with some ideas of what to do next. I took those suggestions and went to town.
For the past several months I’ve been writing and rewriting and having the manuscript read by a variety of different people, then rewriting again depending on the feedback I received (most of which was fantastic and very helpful).
I then let the book simmer while I tried to think of anything but, and as I did so I had new ideas and details pop up that I had to include. I went through the draft looking for logical errors and obvious flaws and fixed them.
Then I figured I’d shoot a new promotional video to replace the one that sounds so “dorky”, and while I was at it I’d fix the website. Then after all that I’d send the manuscript out.
Well, guess what? I think I’m creating excuses to put off the inevitable. So I did some minor changes to the website and have removed the old annoying video altogether. Oh, I’ll shoot a new one sometime down the road, but for now I need to shift my priorities and focus on getting published.
Wish me luck!